My dear friends, my dear human soul
Each soul is unique, each soul walks its own path. Its path is unique and each soul therefore experiences something different, something interesting, individualistic, even though we all are walking towards the same exact goal – back home to Father – Mother of all life and love.
My dear friend. One of my missions is to help you on your path, and so if you wish to return home, after heightening your vibrations, after attaining the unconditional love, the endless happiness and the absolute peace, regardless of your surroundings and circumstances, then in that case I will gladly help you and support you on your path.
Undoubtedly many of you are asking, what is my path and what am I supposed to do. Well, the path is very “simple” and in certain moments it might appear to be very “difficult”, however you yourself are the one in control of your life, you are the one holding it in your hands, it is therefore entirely up to you, what you will do with it.
Believe me, that you can achieve anything you wish for. You are God, you are the part of the Source, of life and unconditional love.
And that’s the way it is!
With love,