Forgiveness and peace will free you
There are events in our lives that leave a significant mark on our psyche. Under normal conditions it is impossible to avoid them. They come abruptly and unannounced. They can make people drop down to their knees.
Trauma has many forms. The basic characteristic however is clear and known to us. The basis of trauma is the feeling of threat towards our physical or mental life and well-being.
Our body under normal circumstances is capable of defending itself with its natural defense mechanism. Thanks to its presence we are able to fight against unfavorable conditions. However, in unusually difficult moments these defense mechanisms can start to act up, lasting much longer than is normal and we feel unbelievably threatened by everything around us.
Under normal circumstances these defense mechanisms are necessary, or better yet, vital. In case of trauma however, they cause involuntary entrapment in one’s own feelings that do not bring us neither love, nor peace, let alone happiness.
Due to PTSD, many of the stimuli we would under normal circumstances perceive as normal, can be perceived as totally opposite. Like a deer trying to look through the environment for any possible threat. This effect has a negative impact on our nervous system, which is unable to find balance and calm down. If we wish to work on removing this trauma, we have to gradually begin to understand our body, our soul, to learn to work with our feelings and to understand emotions we are abundant in.
Remote therapy is one of several possibilities that allow us to heal body and soul thanks to the positive energy of love, happiness, peace but also wisdom and knowledge that surrounds us.
Thanks to therapy it is possible to gradually start getting rid of traumatizing memories and thoughts that are the root cause of our unfavorable state. Whether your state is severe or not, the key here is to focus on emotions of high frequencies such as energies of love and happiness, and to renew within you the harmony and peace there once was.
With love,