My dear friends, my dear human soul
Gratitude will grant you anything you will ever wish for
At this moment in time, I would like to talk to you about an emotion, a gift from God, Mother – Father of all life who gave it to us, I am talking about GRATITUDE.
Gratitude is a form of love. It cannot be dismissed as just some form of an emotion, nor a duty to be grateful for something, it is a deep emotion embedded in the depths of your soul. By showing gratitude to Mother Earth, the creator, the Source of all life and love, you can truly awaken it and express it in its perfect and true beauty.
To be grateful for something should be the basis of life for each and every one of us. We should be grateful for everything we encounter in our life, be it “positive” or “negative”, even though in reality, nothing “positive” nor “negative” exists. Simply put, what surrounds us is life, anything considered “positive” or “negative” is our mere judgement and evaluation of the state we find ourselves in in that particular moment.
If we express our love and gratitude to God and life itself, we open up a path into new life situations, synchronization and vibrations. In such a state we can observe, how our life comes to change and with that, gains completely new dimensions and experiences.
If gratitude fills our life and we will begin to understand, that to be grateful for “negative” things makes sense, with time we will stop judging things and dividing them into “good” or “evil, “positive” or “negative”, big or small, etc. As they say: “Every cloud has a silver lining” or “everything happens for a reason”, and that indeed is true. Therefore let us try to stop judging things, situations and our own experiences, and instead let’s be grateful for everything.
Sometimes we’ll begin to understand only later on why certain things happened the way they did, but, if we will be grateful for such experiences, if we will trust that these things have their meaning, the source of life and love will take care of everything and it will show us its love.
Gratitude will bring you prosperity on every level, because those who live by love, honesty and trust at God’s side will always be taken care of.
May gratitude and love fill your hearts and may you be guided on your path by light and peace. May the gates of knowledge and the highest form of being open up for you.
With love,
Terms’ dictionary: positive, negative, the highest