Focus on trust and you shall get rid of fear
Fast breath, distress, heart racing, unable to focus, baseless worries that have nothing to do with reality. Anxiety has many forms and it can paralyze us any time of the day. The problem is, its impact isn’t exclusively psychical. Anxiety and fear “negatively” impact even our physical health.
They weaken the immune system, they are responsible for problems with the digestive tract and are the beginning of a multitude of syndromes that become a common sight in our current day populace.
We often connect anxiety with “negative images” of our own future. It is very difficult to be satisfied in all outlooks. At work we’re overburdened with countless tasks and back home our life isn’t any rosier. We strive for betterment and we want to overcome our limits. But, with every change and with every unfulfilled task, there comes fear due to potential loss of our job, insufficient amount of money or the loss of a loved one. Fear and anxiety therefore become our unavoidable companions. How can we fight against this state of mind?
The key to it is not to fight with anything at all. It is important to accept our state, learn and gain wisdom from it and to focus on emotions of love, happiness, peace and to learn to be kind and empathetic to yourself.
Remote therapy that I offer uses the effects of energy of love. It is important to focus on the bright moments of our lives and to try to draw as much of life energy and high vibrations as possible. If we learn something about ourselves and if we accept our own life the way it is, we will turn our life around completely.
Every “negativE” thought, feeling or belief will “negatively” reflect in our life energy, in our lives. They steal our energy and we slowly begin to realize, that we are unable to focus and have issues to put up even with basic tasks. Every situation however has its own solution and therefore it never is a lost cause. It is important to begin to focus on what you want.
“Positive” energy helps us to cope with “negative” influences and to minimize their impact on our mental and physical health. The mind, the soul and the body are perfectly interconnected and once we learn to fill ourselves with “positive” thoughts, i.e. thoughts of love, happiness, peace etc., our organism will show its gratitude. Neither fear nor anxiety can put us down. They are not based on the truth, the fact, they are merely the representation of our fears from the past, the future and the unknown.
Fear and anxiety have about only as much power as we give them.
With love,