My dear friends, my dear human soul
I know full well, that most people are used to fight. People have been fighting since ancient times. They have been fighting against someone – be it tyrants or rulers, they fight against “evil” or injustice, they fight for the “good”, they fight for everything, they are fighting all the time, their entire lives, all eternity.
Fight causes only and only another fight. Many know this and many have read about it somewhere. Based on the law of ‘Causality’ (i.e. cause and effect), what you give shall return back to you and therefore, fight indeed causes once more and only another fight.
Therefore, I would like to ask you to think about your actions. If together we aim towards creating Earth, where people, animals and other living beings are supposed to live together in peace, love and happiness, it would be wise to think about the energies we create and send into the world, and what new causes we establish by our actions. If we show love, love shall return to us. If deep in our soul we show happiness or peace, those too shall return back to us.
My dear friends. It really is that simple. Together, we can start showing love towards anyone we know, towards anyone who enters our lives. I am aware that maybe some of you will tell yourselves: “How am I to show love and empathy to someone, who hurts others or causes evil?”
Human being is unique. He can be a source of multitudes of energies. Within him there is the energy of love, happiness, peace and empathy, but also the energy of anger, rage and other forms. Within him, there is the elemental energy – of fire, water, air and earth. Within him is also contained the energy of a murderer, a liar and a crook. Therefore, within him are all the energies that exist and based on his free will, he can use them any way he desires to. He can create anything he wants to, however, based on the law of ‘Causality’, energies he receives mirror those he sends from within.
It indeed works that way in the real world – some people tend to use love or peace, energies of high vibrations, while others incline towards anger, rage and energies of low frequencies or vibrations.
You know, there is no “evil” or “good”. Everything is simply the way it is supposed to be. Only people themselves and their egos judge and evaluate everything, dividing the perfection of a thought, lowering the thought’s vibrations.
Once we come to the conclusion, that all the things simply are, and that everything has its own meaning, that everything has its own destiny and place in the entire process that is called ‘life’, and if we understand, that everything is perfect the way it is, only then can we move forward and create something ‘amazing’, ‘new’ and ‘fascinating’.
Even that “evil” person is in his own way a God. He is exactly what we are ourselves. We all create unity and we are a part of each other’s lives. Without that “evil” person, not many people would not know what “good” is, they wouldn’t know what love is, just like without anger and hatred, people wouldn’t know what peace means and is.
Let us therefore start together showing love to ourselves, and then start sending it to others, start feeling it within ourselves at first – the real and unconditional love without evaluation, judgement and division between “good” and “evil”, let us rid ourselves of these stances and instead, start showing to ourselves the unconditional love to one another, to people, animals and other living beings.
May it be so.
With love